Highly Skilled Craftspeople
Since 1944, we have focused solely on making the very best high-precision perforated screens. The decades of experience and expertise amassed by our craftspeople are our most fundamental asset and the bedrock on which our integrity stands. Every day, we work hard at improving our skills, and pursue ongoing R&D to achieve ever high quality products and more efficient processes.
The Craftsperson’s Quest
The Japanese way of craftsmanship is uncompromising in its pursuit of quality and customer satisfaction. We work not only to continually develop our skills but also to nurture this spirit in successive generations.
Long Experience, New Discoveries
Developing our own dies, jigs, tools, measuring devices and other equipment ensures we have a uniquely high-performance production framework, while decades of data, experience, and skill fuel our ongoing search for new material processing discoveries.
World-Beating Achievements
Our continuing quest for ever-finer perforation has so far led to a world-beating 4,055 holes per square inch at 0.25φ each with an open area ratio of 30.7%.
Nurturing Young Craftspeople
At Nunobiki Manufacturing, we are serious about nurturing young craftspeople. We help them develop skills and obtain qualifications through direct instruction in the workplace and outside training opportunities.